Web Quest Lesson Plan (DNA and Blood Typing)


1. To introduce students to the structure and function of DNA.
2. To demonstrate to students how genetics relates to forensic evidence.
3. To introduce students to the basic human blood types.

Student Objectives:

1. Students will be able to list three descriptive characteristics and three functions of DNA.
2. Students will be able to describe two ways that genetics is important in a forensic investigation.
3. Students will be able to list the four major human blood types.

Materials Needed:

1. Computers with Internet access
2. Web Quest - recommend saving to the desktop for easy student access
3. Diskettes
4. Electronic Handout
5. Web Quest Handout

Anticipatory Set:

1. Journal entry or Warm-up question - "What is all the hype about DNA? What is DNA? What does it do?"
2. Explain the web quest. Procedures, expectations, and computer room rules should be addressed. More time should be taken if this is the first trip to the computer room or if this is the first web quest.


1. Complete anticipatory set as described.
2. Divide class into pre-assigned groups of 2-3.
3. Escort students to the computer room.
4. Explain how to access the web quest electronic handout from the desktop.
5. Remind students to save work every 5-10 minutes.
6. Establish goals for each day in the computer room. For example, students should complete questions 1-5 on day one and 6-10 on day two.

Contingency Plans for Technology Glitches:

1. Do a mini lecture on DNA and begin the DNA lab (refer to the next lesson plan). On day two, finish the lab and begin the web quest.
2. Print information needed from the web quest prior to the lesson. If the computers continue to be a problem, divide the class into groups of four. Each group will become an expert on DNA, genetics, or blood types. After groups have researched their assigned topic, groups will present their findings to the class. Students will answer all questions from the web quest handout based on the presentations.


· Because the groups are mixed ability, both in the computer room and using the contingency plans, no adaptations are required.


1. Day One - On scrap paper, instruct students to draw a model of DNA. Collect the papers as students leave class. This is their "exit pass."
2. Day Two - Each group will provide three examples of characteristics encoded by genetics. Groups will share their ideas with the class.

Reinforcement Activity:

1. Students will conduct a lab that will reinforce the web quest information.
2. Students will have a homework assignment that uses information obtained from the web quest and the lab (refer to next lesson plan).

Student Evaluation:

1. Students will be evaluated by their web quest handout and homework.
2. Students will be evaluated by the final unit project.

Lesson Evaluation:

1. Students will be expected to receive an 80% or higher on their web quest and homework.
2. The lesson will also be evaluated at the end of the unit. Students will be expected to receive an 80% or higher on the final lab report.