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Don Knotts (1924)close

Jesse Donald Knotts was born in Morgantown, West Virginia. He was a shy child, prone to illness and episodes of depression. However, through his acting, he gained confidence, and by the time he was in high school, he had created a ventriloquist act. After high school, Knotts enlisted in the army, and after he left the army, he decided to give radio a try, and auditioned for a local theater company. In the mid 1950s, he landed a small role in a Broadway production entitled No time for Sergeants with Andy Griffith. He then auditioned for a movie version of the play, and then was recruited by Griffith for a regular spot on a television show launched in 1960. Knotts earned five Emmy awards for his work as "Barney Fife," the bumbling deputy sheriff. He also worked on a series of movies for Disney, including The Apple Dumpling Gang.

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