Civil War Readalouds

During certain times of the year, notably February, we are called to experience and cultivate a deep appreciation for our nation's past. Through the celebrations of Presidents Day and Black History Month, we look at great leaders and at ordinary citizens who overcame prejudice and hardship. No study of Abraham Lincoln is complete without also studying the War Between the States. One cannot honor the achievements of famous black men and women without also addressing the issue of slavery. There is a wealth of fictional and informational literature to share with our students on these interrelated topics. As we approach the sesquicentennial of the Battle of Gettysburg (considered by many historians to be the turning point in our Civil War), TeachersFirst features read-alouds and related activities that will infuse an extra measure of history into your curriculum and tap into the richness of our nation's story. Don’t miss additional book titles in our CurriConnects list for the Civil War and Slavery and our collection of Lesson Ideas for Lincoln.