Inch by Inch, Row by Row: Read-Alouds for Gardens

Additional Resources

Other Books and Reading

Lovejoy, SharonHollyhock Days.  ISBN:  9780934026901. Lexile: not available

Lovejoy, SharonRoots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots:  Gardening Together with Children.  ISBN:  9780761110569. Lexile: not available
Lovejoy's titles are intended for adults who want to experience gardening with children. Her illustrations may be whimsical, but she takes a practical approach with the guidance she offers. You may be inspired to create a number of different types of gardens, make your own seed tape, or learn gardening lore. Poems and informative sidebars are scattered throughout, and additional resources and links are included.

Pranis, Eve.  Nourishing Choices:  Implementing Food Education in Classrooms, Cafeterias, and Schoolyards.  ISBN: 978-0-915873-51-7.
This guide from the National Gardening Association is a must-have for schools seeking information and exemplars for food education. Suggestions and real-school examples are given for integrating the sciences and the humanities while exposing students to farms, hands-on gardening, and cooking.  Readers will learn “novel and systematic strategies for developing food education programs that get children excited about healthful foods.” An extensive resources section at the end of this concise handbook includes links to curriculum and activity guides, planning guides and toolkits, success stories, farm-to-school and food service resources, and research and statistics to help build a case for food education or lunchroom changes in your school.

School gardening guide from the Whole Kids Foundation

A book list for many plant and garden-related topics from the Growing Minds: Farm to Table website

Lists of award-winning titles are available here; this is a joint effort between the Junior Master Gardener program and the American Horticultural Society.


School Gardens

The Edible Schoolyard Project

School Gardening site from Texas A&M

California School Garden Network

Kids Gardening from the National Gardening Association

A virtual visit to a school garden in Portland Oregon


Videos and Interactives

The ThinkGarden portion of the PBS Learning Media site is an excellent source of short videos on a variety of topics for garden-based learning.

Excellent information is available at the Exploratorium's Science of Gardening site. Find a series of videos and interactives that deal with garden lore, history of cultivated plants, deadly carnivorous plants, soil and ph, compost, humus, etc.

Join the School Gardens Professional Learning Community (PLC) and view ongoing and archived webinars.


Lesson Plans

Kids Gardening provides links to activities and lessons around a variety of learning themes associated with gardening.

The lesson plan database aligns to Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core State Standards. (Sign in as a guest for access.) See a review of the full Lifelab site.


Funding for School Gardens

School garden grants page from Kids Gardening

See several grant options listed on the Food Corps grants page.

An assortment of grant opportunities can be found here from Grow For It

Design your own grant application using PledgeCents, ClassWish, or DonorsChoose



IntroductionFor Lower ElementaryFor Middle Elementary
For Upper ElementaryResources