Wrapping Up Globetracker’s Mission

TeachersFirst has teamed up with Geo and Meri to provide some activities and ideas for your students to review and reflect on all that they have learned from Globetracker's Mission: Finding Dewey. These activities can also serve as final assessments of student understanding. Both activity types include some teaching tips:

Interactive activities ready for your projector, interactive whiteboard, or student computers.

Written review/reflection/extension activities ready for use in classroom discussion, on paper, or on computer and categorized by thinking level (Bloom's Taxonomy) so you can differentiate for all levels and types of learners. Many include printables.

Printable quizzes (no tips, just the printables)

Printable quizzes: ready for use as review or simple assessment of knowledge and comprehension level understanding.

RIGHT-click and select Save Target AS to save a copy to your computer. You have permission to make classroom copies of this copyrighted material for a single teacher from a single download. These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader (download it for free)

Landforms (includes delta, estuary, island, isthmus, landlocked, Pampas, peninsula, Ring of Fire, river basin, strait)

Fill in the blank Landform quiz with wordbank

Fill in the blank Landform quiz without wordbank

Match-the-letter Landform quiz

Match-the-letter Landform quiz key- use to correct all Landform quizzes


Mapskills and Geography Terms (includes altitude, cardinal direction, eastern hemisphere, equator, hemisphere, hybrid map, International Dateline, latitude, legend, longitude, map coordinates, northern hemisphere, prime meridian, scale, southern hemisphere, western hemisphere, western civilization)

Fill in the blank mapskill/geoterm quiz with wordbank

Fill in the blank mapskill/geoterm quiz without wordbank

Match-the-letter mapskill/geoterm quiz

Match-the-letter mapskill/geoterm quiz key- use to correct all mapskill/geoterm quizzes


Climates and Hazards (includes arid, inhospitable, subarctic, temperate, tropical, drought, earthquake, monsoon, natural, tsunami, typhoon, landslide, avalanche)

Fill in the blank climate/hazard quiz with wordbank

Fill in the blank climate/hazard quiz without wordbank

Match-the-letter climate/hazard quiz

Match-the-letter climate/hazard quiz key- use to correct all climate/hazard quizzes











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