Module 3:
Creating Quality Rubrics
You may be wondering, “How can I create a well-designed rubric?” We are glad you asked! By focusing on the following criteria, you can come up with an assessment tool that will be beneficial to your students, their parents, and will offer you a clear look at the achievements your learners have reached.
The two basic types of rubrics consist of holistic and analytic rubrics. Holistic rubrics provide one overall score and do not include specific feedback for students. In contrast, analytic rubrics are preferred because they offer specific feedback and often guidance with ways in which a student can improve his or her performance. Feedback is related to specific criterion provided within the rubric.
Analytical rubrics are typically formatted as a table with the performance criteria as individual rows while the performance levels, represented as gradations, across the top, one per column. These are represented numerically or textually. The descriptors show clear observable characteristics of a given criteria and its corresponding performance level.
Ideally, a rubric will contain between three and five performance levels and two or more performance criteria. Distinct and meaningful labels will help learners to understand expectations easily. Performance level descriptors should distinguish between differences in performance levels and should be observable and measurable. Criteria should be weighed fairly. Consistency is also key and expectations should be clearly articulated. Each rubric should align with the learning outcomes of a project, performance, or assessment. Students also benefit from additional personalized comments at the end of each rubric.
A rubric should be provided to students before the assessment or project begins. Students should also be given the opportunity to self-evaluate their personal work before submitting it.
Follow these simple steps:
- Define the expected goal.
- Choose a rubric type.
- Outline criteria.
- Create performance levels.
- Write performance indicators.
- Make revisions if necessary.
Utilize this checklist to help ensure that each rubric you create meets the specific criteria mentioned above.
Go to your course assessment and complete the questions for MODULE 3