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Pexels - Pexels
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Pexels offers free, high-quality stock photos and videos to use without attribution or account membership. Browse trending images on the home page or use the search bar to find resources...more
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Pexels offers free, high-quality stock photos and videos to use without attribution or account membership. Browse trending images on the home page or use the search bar to find resources to fit any need. After selecting an image, choose the free download icon to select an image size from those offered or create a custom size, then download it to your device. Download videos from several formats, including SD, HD, and 4K UHD. Although attribution isn't required, providing credit is always appreciated. Create a free account to create collections and save favorite images and videos for easy use.
tag(s): creative commons (28), images (261), photography (119), video (263)
In the Classroom
Use images from Pexels as creative writing prompts. Have students create a multimedia presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint Online, reviewed here, begin by uploading the image and adding narration. Create and share collections with students to provide images for book reports, research projects, and presentations. Share this site with students to locate images for multimedia projects. Teachers of all subjects can find images for students to use as references or in photomontages (with credit).You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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