September 5, 2021

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Featured EDTECH Resources Reviewed by TeachersFirst

Looking for a more in-depth professional learning opportunity this fall? Don’t miss our virtual fall book club! You’ll read popular books your students will love, participate in asynchronous weekly discussions with other educators, and learn how to turn your students’ interest in stories into thought-provoking discussions about identity, friendship, culture, and inclusion.
Learn More & Apply >>

Engage Your Students in September Events

September offers many classroom learning activities and resources, including the four diverse topics in this section. View the related collections to find resources to use with your students. 

National Piano Month

National Piano Month was created as an opportunity to share piano-related projects to promote musical development and the joy of playing this wonderful instrument. Find virtual piano lessons and more in this collection.

Learn to play the piano virtually »

National College Savings Month

It’s never too early (or too late) to begin saving for a college education. Explore these resources, which include many suggestions for financial aid, scholarship opportunities, saving strategies, and more.

Find tools and tips to save money for college »

Read About Space

Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846. In honor of this discovery, we’re sharing a related booklist. Launch into books about space and space exploration, delve into black holes, or get to know famous astronomers.

Discover books for all ages »

Thank You To Grandma and Grandpa

Grandparents Day is always celebrated the Sunday after Labor Day, which is September 12, 2021. We’re sharing tools your students can use to create digital gifts for their grandparents. Share this list with your families as they prepare for the holiday.

Don't miss these cool digital tools »

This Week at TeachersFirst

Don’t forget to register for our upcoming fall book club! We’re also sharing a content-related blog post, resources related to the anniversary of 9/11, and we kindly ask for your input on our weekly poll. 

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Use popular books to encourage critical thinking

TeachersFirst 2021 Fall Book Club

Register now and save your spot in our free, member-only virtual book club designed to help educators use popular literature to start meaningful discussions about identity, diversity, and inclusion with their students.

Connect, engage, and exchange ideas with other educators across the country »

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20 Years Ago

Remembering 9/11

Today's K-12 students weren't even born when 9/11 occurred. As educators, it’s imperative that we teach students about the events of that fateful day twenty years ago. Connect the past with current events and find age-appropriate resources to share.

Explore resources related to 9/11 »

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Infusing Technology Blog

Cash in on Free Lessons for Financial Literacy Month

In honor of National College Savings Month, we’re sharing this blog post related to financial literacy—an important topic to teach all students. The younger students begin these lessons, the more prepared they are for the future!

Learn ways to encourage your students to be financially wise »

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Share your thought with our community

Weekly Poll

This week our poll asks, "Have you ever participated in a book club?" View the replies of other educators when you click to submit your choice.

Click to cast your vote »

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TeachersFirst is a collection of curated, classroom-ready content and ideas — including teacher-authored reviews of thousands of web resources. Built-in guidance from seasoned professionals makes effective classroom technology use trouble-free. TeachersFirst is made available free to K12 teachers by The Source for Learning, Inc., a nonprofit that has been providing educational resources for more than 40 years.