TeachersFirst - Featured Sites: Week of Jun 26, 2011
Here are this week's features. Clicking the tags in the description area of each listing will present a list of other resources with this topic. | Click here to return to the Featured Sites Archive
BookRix - Gunner Siewert
6 to 12tag(s): creative writing (243), writing (569), ebooks (73), independent reading (155),
In the Classroom
There are several ways you can use this site. For young readers and writers: Select a story from the children's book area. Use your whiteboard or projector and select a story to read with your students. Then as a class, have the students change the ending of the story, or write a sequel. You can then publish this class book on BookRix. Older students can publish their poems, short stories, current event articles, persuasive writing for an issue they are into... for free. Some teachers have their students write novels for National Novel Writing Month, and at BookRix they will be able to publish them. Don't miss the great collection of audio books at TeachersFirst, found here.Books are tagged, so you can search by keywords. You can also go to the "Books" tab and search by "Popular Categories." Click on the "See all" to find the "Children's Books" category. If your intent is to publish yours or your student's writing, then you will need to know how to navigate the site. You have three choices for the book format: text only, illustrated book, and audio book.
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Alternative to... - alternativeto.net
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): social networking (179),
In the Classroom
Click on one of the applications to see a great list of alternatives that may meet your needs or those of your students. Offer this site as a means for students to differentiate and express their understanding of the content in different ways. In a technology class, provide time for groups to explore the variety of options and report on ease of use and features for each. Be sure to check whether the sites listed are blocked by any filters in your school first.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Daytum - Ryan Case and Nicholas Feltron
K to 12tag(s): charts and graphs (297), data (250), infographics (85), statistics (202), visualizations (22),
In the Classroom
Some of the best data to collect is anything that is a habit: types of drinks students drink at home, hours watching TV/playing games/doing homework, meals/fast food, etc. Use the site to collect data from other students or classes for a Math, Social Studies, or Psychology class. Use Daytum for a Science class by counting animals at a feeder, recycling efforts, amount of paper used in the classroom, days of rain/no rain, etc. Anything that can be counted can be used by Daytum! Be sure to identify students who will be counters and recorders of the data.Before using Daytum, be sure to follow the directions on the How To page. Be sure to decide the goal first and the data to be collected. Having an idea of the kind of data to be collected as well as how it will be displayed is necessary before using. This tool is best used as a class activity rather than creating individual accounts. Create a class account and use a class computer or computer attached to a projector or whiteboard to collect data as students enter the room. Set up the parameters of the data to be collected (or enlist the help of an ambitious student.)
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GoodReads - Good Reads
10 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): independent reading (155), quotations (34), social networking (179), authors (183),
In the Classroom
Share this site to promote independent reading as a life habit or as a way to facilitate book discussion and book sharing among your mature students. Since the site is intended for the general public, not just for schools, it includes ALL books and open discussions. Be sure to have discussions about safety concerns in an online environment. You might also want to use a whole-class account to be able to monitor activity. Have students initial their own comments. Use the quotes available on this site as writing prompts or daily class starters or encourage students to "collect" their own favorite quotes about writing and other topics. For more visual students, suggest that they create an online multimedia response space for their independent reading using Dotstorming, reviewed here. They can include quotes, images, and responses (and accept comments) to the books they discover via Goodreads.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Share Care - Sharecare, Inc.
6 to 12tag(s): human body (172), body systems (80), dental health (26), fitness (71), diseases (98), nutrition (234),
In the Classroom
Use this site to learn more about the human body. Allow students time to peruse the site and ask their own questions. Encourage students to ask their own question if they cannot find an answer. Teach critical thinking by searching further into the web for additional information and finding similar/dissenting views. Discuss the validity of information found on these sites. Create prompts that can be used to write blog posts about the various topics. Allow students to choose a topic of interest and create blog posts linking back to the content. Students can comment on each other's posts to learn health and wellness information. Challenge students to research a specific health topic and share their findings using Wakelet, reviewed here, where they can add a cover image, background, and chose the layout they prefer for presenting.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Easy Prompter - Michael Drob
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): speeches (24),
In the Classroom
Use this site to feed information used in group or individual presentations to the class. Set this up on another computer when recording video and audio recordings. Why use this site? Information fed through the prompter can be read at a steady and consistent pace. Teachers promoting oral reading fluency can make practice more engaging by having students pretend they are newscasters. If you advise the school announcement crew, try this handy tool to make them sound and look more professional.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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