Quick Links to Outside Organizations and Professional Organizations for Teachers

State Departments of Education
Find regulations and the latest information from your state, for comparison, or in case you are considering a move.
Standards: State by State and Common Core
See the latest versions of standards in the U.S. and follow the Common Core movement. These are handy for writing your own lesson plans or looking up standards referenced in other plans without full text.
Professional Organizations Involved in Education
Find the web sites of the most important professional organizations for teachers in one place. We welcome additional suggestions. Please send us the link and site title via our webmaster account.
Grants and Contests
Finding money for classroom technology, for special projects, or for your own professional development can be tough with today’s shrinking school budgets. TeachersFirst is committed to helping teachers use technology effectively as a teaching tool. We offer these listings as possible grant sources for your educational technology and other projects. Be sure to read the details carefully when submitting grant proposals to improve your chances of success. We welcome additional suggestions. Please send us the link and site title via our webmaster account.