TeachersFirst's Webquest Resources
This collection of reviewed resources from TeachersFirst is selected to help teachers, parents, and students find, use, and create webquests. Teachers can find examples of webquests across the curriculum (and places to find MORE). Both students and teachers can find tools for creating their own webquests. We have even included some sample web resources as terrific seeds for webquest ideas.
The webquest format has been around for years and can be adapted many ways. Start from this collection and consider designing a webquest "Task" that uses a collaborative, web 2.0 tool such as those reviewed in the TeachersFirst Edge listings. Today's students will love the authentic, creative tasks and collaboration made possible by today's tools. TeachersFirst Edge reviews include ways to use the tools safely and within school policies, for a learning "win-win."

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21things4students - Regional Educational Media Center Association of Michigan.
6 to 9tag(s): blended learning (36), careers (140), computers (110), consumers (14), cyberbullying (40), digital citizenship (89), digital storytelling (154), evaluating sources (28), game based learning (184), internet safety (112), media literacy (108), organizational skills (89), social media (53), social networking (64), thinking skills (16), webquests (8)
In the Classroom
Use the complete curriculum or selected Quests. Assign students individual Things to complete in school or at home as part of blended learning or flipped classrooms. Have students begin with the Basics and progress through selected skills. Use parts of the site to teach a particular skill to the whole class. Have students complete their work through an electronic portfolio like bulb, reviewed here, that is not included on the site. bulb includes links to some ideas and samples on the on the K-12 page.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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TrackStar - 4Teachers.org
2 to 12tag(s): bookmarks (44), curation (34), gamification (80), webquests (8)
In the Classroom
Create an Internet activity that is useful for students and allows them to work independently or with a partner in class or at home. Demonstrate on an interactive whiteboard or projector how to use the track. Be sure to put the URL for the track on your class website. This tool would be great for flipping your classroom. Students could read and view the sites at home and come to class with their work and their questions ready for a discussion. Create a bank of resources for each content unit within your subject or classroom. Use for web treasure hunts to learn or introduce any topic within your content area. Use for directed research. Search the ready-made tracks by subject, grade level, theme, track number, etc. to find one to use with your class. Collect links to informational texts for students to read "closely" a la CCSS. Students or student groups can create Trackstars of the resources they use for a project. Use with faculty and staff to showcase a variety of tools for professional development. Create Tracks you can share with other teachers in your building or district. If you would like to know more about webquests see TeachersFirst Webquest 101Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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All About Explorers - All About Explorers
5 to 8tag(s): explorers (65), internet safety (112), media literacy (108), webquests (8)
In the Classroom
The trick in using All About Explorers is to keep the real lesson a secret at the beginning and allow students to come to their own conclusion. Processing that "aha!" moment when students recognize that there is a hidden agenda here will have a much more lasting impression than simply telling students they cannot believe everything they read. Deep inside, students often believe they can easily tell the difference between the Truth and something that is misleading or downright false. All About Explorers will help them see how difficult that can be. They might also learn something about explorers in the process! Extend this lesson by having student groups find another suspect site and create a screencast of that "suspicious" site, pointing out characteristics that indicate an unreliable source. A tool such as ScreenPal, reviewed here, or Screencastify (Chrome app), reviewed here, will allow them to create a "tour" of the fallacies they find.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Webquest 101 - TeachersFirst
1 to 12In the Classroom
Mark this in your Favorites as a professional reference. You may even want to assign students to create their own webquests following these guidelines. If you mentor new teachers, share this resource when they are designing their first web-based projects.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Tibet Question - Mark La Porte
9 to 12tag(s): china (74)
In the Classroom
This is a great activity to use in a World History or Government classroom. This would be a great way to show how the media and globalization impacts public policy and opinion of events. Be sure to save the site as a favorite on classroom computers to make it easier for student groups to navigate there.For an alternative to the traditional paper or PowerPoint as the end product, consider using Google Docs Presentation reviewed here, or one of many creative collaborative web 2.0 tools reviewed in the TeachersFirst Edge. Your students can work collaboratively without even being in the same place, and their projects can be shared easily on the web.
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Microbial Life - Science Education Resources Center
6 to 12tag(s): bacteria (22)
In the Classroom
Use great webquests such as "The microbes within" that explores the role of bacteria in evolution and human health. Use the webquest information to identify the task, process, resources to be used, suggestions for evaluation, and conclusion. Find standards by clicking on "Teachers" and viewing the standards and suggestions for the webquest. Expand the webquest by having students ask questions that expand their knowledge and use of the information. Develop a class site wiki, or blog that displays information that others can use to understand human biology and our interaction with microbes. Not comfortable with wikis? Have no wiki worries - check out the TeachersFirst's Wiki Walk-Through.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Big Wide World Webquest - The Museum of Television & Radio
2 to 6tag(s): animals (295), cultures (163), environment (246)
In the Classroom
Use this Webquest to introduce the connections between major social studies and science concepts. After students work in groups to investigate the different areas, bring the class together to share. Guide a class discussion to show how the different areas are linked and work together. Use the Relationship Wheel (see Teacher Guide) as a bulletin board to support understanding. The site information says it can be used in grades K-4, but non-readers cannot do the tasks without a reader! For independent workers, it is better suited (and quite applicable)for grades 2-6.If you do this at the start of the school year, you can revisit the overarching connections as you begin study of each sub-area so you are connecting to prior knowledge every time. Teachers in later grades could even recall the overarching questions as they continue with the study of these topics. Be SURE to put the link on your teacher web page for students to revisit throughout the year.
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Eyes on Art
2 to 12tag(s): webquests (8)
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A Separate Peace WebQuest - Mooney's Madness
9 to 12tag(s): john knowles (3), webquests (8)
In the Classroom
Update the lesson plan for these tech savvy students, and have them turn in their presentation via Google Docs, reviewed here, or depending on the age of your students show them how to embed media transforming their learning by making a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge Multimedia tools, reviewed here. Some tool suggestions are (click on the tool name to access the review): Infogram, Lucidpress, and Powtoon, instead of the traditional Microsoft PowerPoint. This will save them from having to bring it in on a flash drive, and make it easy to access from anywhere.Make sure to also save the site as a favorite for students on classroom computers, making it easier for them to access it!
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