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return to subject listingDocumentary Tube - DocumentaryTube.com
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): video (457),
In the Classroom
Discover the power of documentaries while studying point of view, primary and secondary resources, and debate skills. Examine the aspects shown in documentaries and help students find structure to provide an unbiased research project. Challenge existing knowledge in many areas. Help students become active thinkers and become involved in current events. Sharpen your own understandings.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Documentary Storm - 2013 DocumentaryStorm
4 to 12tag(s): video (457),
In the Classroom
With documentaries challenge your students' understanding of food, history, politics, or people. Use to provide another point of view which might not be available in traditional text books. Use to explain primary and secondary sources, as well as an example of a way to extend thinking. Provide a documentary as an example for your students to do an in depth research project. Use documentaries to challenge knowledge, create new knowledge, and learn.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Hands On Banking - Wells Fargo
4 to 12tag(s): financial literacy (129), money (262),
In the Classroom
Create a link to the course for your students on classroom computers or view together on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Enhance classroom technology use and have students create a word cloud of the important terms they learn from this site using a tool such as WordItOut, reviewed here. Older students could benefit from creating an infographic about information learned and transform technology use at the same time. Use Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here. Hands on Learning is a great tool to share with families (for both student or parent use). Share this site on your class wiki, blog, or website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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CommonCore Sheets - Common Core Sheets
2 to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): sentences (61), parts of speech (98), primary sources (155), negative numbers (27), decimals (179), fractions (335), variables (28), timelines (112), charts and graphs (296), time (177), money (262), probability (179), order of operations (53), operations (161), measurement (240),
In the Classroom
Find worksheets for every subject to better prepare your students for Common Core standards and testing. Use the sheets to make a formative or even summative assessment for many different topics in math. Use as a review or even practice. Provide this link on your class website for students (and parents) to find extra practice. Printable answer keys come with the worksheets. Allow students to create their own quizzes. Easy to use, grade, and share. Use for gifted students needing some acceleration. Use for extra practice with students struggling with new concepts.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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360Cities - 360 Cities s.r.o.
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): images (487), virtual field trips (127), landforms (56), landmarks (37),
In the Classroom
The 360Cities panoramic pictures provide a vivid visual experience to enhance any lesson. Students can search and view the panoramic setting of a reading passage or novel. Need to paint a picture for students about a historical topic? View the image on 360Cities. Activate schema with these vivid images. Bring Science to life as you explore the many natural wonders of our world and even space. Explore these exciting worlds through the panoramic pictures. Visit businesses and famous landmarks around the world for a free virtual tour. Looking for creative writing prompts? Use the images for poems or story starters. Teaching geometry? Have students locate geometric figures in the pictures. Provide students an image and challenge them to create a virtual tour as they explore the image. Use web 2.0 tools or the students' artistic talents to create travel brochures for the panoramic pictures. You or students can also create your own guided tours. Learn how to embed a tour on your blog. Record the tours as a screencast or present orally. Use the "how-to" section to have your students create their own panoramic pictures. Take a panoramic shot of your classroom to post on your website or blog. Use DSLR cameras or cell phones to create your panoramic pictures.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Math Celebrity - Math Celebrity LLC
7 to 12tag(s): angles (120), pythagorean theorem (44), energy (275), percent (110), rounding (26), multiples (46), prime numbers (40), factoring (38), factors (58), coordinates (43), functions (87), charts and graphs (296), quadratics (42), exponents (58), number lines (41), polynomials (39), square roots (30), ratios (84), vectors (31), decimals (179), fractions (335), conversions (51), equations (224), probability (179), problem solving (407),
In the Classroom
Create a bookmark for Math Celebrity as an additional way to view problem solving steps. Share this site with students to use at home to review problem solving methods. Embed any specific page or topic into your website or blog for student use at home. The embed code can be found at the bottom of each page. Use this site as a model for step-by-step problem solving demonstrations. Have students use an online poster creator, such as Padlet, (reviewed here) to display their own problem solving work.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Whyville - Mundeon
4 to 10tag(s): recycling (95), dance (42), money (262), vectors (31), motion (88), social skills (41), diseases (98), puzzles (269), logic (326), aircraft (36), animals (498),
In the Classroom
In the classroom, join as a teacher and manage each students account. Reinforce safe online behavior as your students explore opportunities for learning.The chat feature is a perfect opportunity practice safe interactions. Demonstrate this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Use as a reward in your classroom or as a way to extend and enrich concepts learned in math and science. Offer Whyville as a safe enrichment tool for students to use at home. Encourage all students to join in the educational activities. Design a simplified version of this site for younger children with your class. Use one of the many animation tools available at the TeachersFirst Edge.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Magical Maths - Magical Maths
6 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): blogs (145), logic (326), assessment (239),
In the Classroom
This is an excellent site to bookmark/save as a favorite and visit often for interesting ideas to use in math class to promote thinking skills. Challenge your students to demonstrate their own understanding of a math concept by creating a video using a tool such as SchoolTube reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Money As You Grow - President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability
K to 12tag(s): preK (423), money (262), financial literacy (129),
In the Classroom
View suggestions offered on the site on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Share this information with parents to explore at home together. Try one of the suggested activities for math lessons in your classroom. For example: 6-10 year olds should begin learning how to shop and compare. Bring in local newspapers for students to compare prices on advertised items. Whatever age level you teach, explore the activities for that level. Assign cooperative learning groups to explore one of the specific lessons/activities. Ask middle school groups to "teach" a class based on one of the lessons. Challenge middle and high school groups to share what they learned by creating a simple infographic using Canva Infographic Maker, reviewed here or Venngage reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Federal Student Aid - US Department of Education
7 to 12tag(s): careers (223), college (77), financial aid (18), financial literacy (129),
In the Classroom
While this is certainly a good site for students and families to consult from home, it would also be useful as an authentic resource for lessons in financial literacy, career and college planning, and life planning. At the very least, a great bookmark to publicize or add to classroom computers. Be sure to share this link on your class website.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Literacy Design Collaborative - Literacy Design Collaborative
K to 12tag(s): literacy (184), professional development (530), shakespeare (221), poetry (377), civil rights (273), evolution (129), energy (275), photosynthesis (39), marine biology (43), ecosystems (132), careers (223), pollution (110), animals (498), biodiversity (53), american revolution (130), industrial revolution (31), lincoln (111), gettysburg (36), gettysburg address (23), india (50), china (114), cold war (47), canada (37),
In the Classroom
This site is an excellent resource for schools implementing Common Core Standards. Share this site during professional development sessions to view and learn how to use the templates and modules in the classroom. Share the videos on an interactive whiteboard and have groups discuss afterwards. View videos from the site during these sessions to understand the framework behind the templates. Download templates and modules for use in your classroom for any content or use templates as a model for creating your own templates.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Population Pyramid - Martin DeWulf
6 to 12tag(s): population (87), charts and graphs (296),
In the Classroom
At a very simple level, this site is great for teaching about reading charts and graphs or math lessons about how to display data. In social studies or science, view and compare the demographics of various countries. Discuss the religious, economic, and health reasons for the shape of the population pyramids. Discuss demographic transitions, developed vs. developing countries, and emerging issues. Use the information when preparing presentations about health and welfare, world cultures, and biological issues concerning the environments and population demographics. Hypothesize reasons for differences, then have students research to test their hypotheses. Research and discuss the issue of population by searching articles from different countries that show a different perspective from ours.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Rich Blocks, Poor Blocks - RichBlocksPoorBlocks
7 to 12In the Classroom
Propose reasons for the differences in median income in a particular area or state. Research industry, agriculture, level of education, and other factors to determine the reasons. Investigate at the nearby ports and natural resources. Why do certain parts of the country have higher incomes and/or costs of living? How is income connected to education level? Students can identify patterns that exist among the data. They can form hypotheses about why. Create a campaign to bridge the wage gap by suggesting ideas to increase salaries in areas. Have students create a simple infographic sharing their findings using Snappa, reviewed here. Teachers of gifted will find "rich" possibilities for discussion from this site.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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TV411 - Finance - Adult Literacy Media Alliance
6 to 12tag(s): financial literacy (129), money (262),
In the Classroom
Include this site in a course on personal finance, business, or consumer science. It would also be very useful as a real world application for math skills. Share this site on your interactive whiteboard or projector to introduce or review financial topics. Take advantage of the free lesson plans. Share the videos with your class as you study finance and the economy. Share this site with parents through your classroom website or blog.Comments
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Media4Math - Edward De Leon
7 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): functions (87), statistics (201), equations (224), charts and graphs (296), quadratics (42), angles (120), geometric shapes (230), polynomials (39),
In the Classroom
View Math in the News presentations on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to help students understand the connection between higher level math and it's real world use. Share links to tutorials and presentations on your classroom webpage for students to access at home. Bookmark this site for use throughout the year as a resource for supplements to current classroom content.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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The Worst Jobs in History - Russel Tarr
5 to 12tag(s): industrial revolution (31), medieval (47), careers (223), 1600s (26), 1700s (46), 1800s (94), 1900s (90),
In the Classroom
Use this site as part of your study of a certain era, of economics, or to open discussion about careers. Before introducing this site, have students brainstorm lists of what they consider to be dirty or dangerous jobs. Post responses using a tool such as Padlet (reviewed here) to create an online bulletin board to use to display their ideas. Share the site with students on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Allow students to explore and complete activities on their own. Have students complete the included worksheet while exploring dirty jobs. Talk about how society determines the pay for a job and what kind of job options people had at certain times in history. How do these opportunities differ from today?Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Wolfram Demonstrations Project - Wolfram Mathematica
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): computers (163), logic (326), psychology (89), animals (498), plants (245), gravity (75), statistics (201), weather (318), fractions (335), multiples (46), multiplication (285), division (215), subtraction (249), addition (307), maps (415), money (262), geometric shapes (230), architecture (113),
In the Classroom
Explain how to use the Demonstrations on your interactive whiteboard (or projector). Allow students to explore on their own classroom computers. (Remember to download the CDF player onto each computer or request it in advance from your tech department.) Challenge students to create a talking avatar using a photo or other image (legally permitted for reproduction). Use avatars to explain activities performed using a Demonstration. Use a site such as Blabberize, reviewed here. The beauty of the demonstrations is that it allows students to manipulate and "play" to view the impact of changes made, allowing many opportunities for classroom discussion. Ask students to predict the impact of changes using the manipulate command; then discuss the actual impact as it occurs.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Newsola - Nick Nicholaou
6 to 12tag(s): financial literacy (129), countries (116), news (382), sports (157),
In the Classroom
Use this site to select current events for the day. Follow the same news thread for a period of time to look at changes and possible reasons for the change in the news. Be sure to check news stories from other countries for a different viewpoint on issues. Create a class discussion for the differences in viewpoints. Challenge cooperative learning groups to explore ONE of the subtopics (Showbiz, World, Finance, etc..) and present the highlights to the class. Have students make a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools reviewed here.Comments
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TED-ED - Ted.com
6 to 12tag(s): blended learning (38), video (457), religions (119), business (86), design (159), literature (387), psychology (89), Teacher Utilities (201),
In the Classroom
Choose a video or create your own videos for students to use for review. After students view a video that has the questions, show one that doesn't, and have students generate questions for it. Assign videos for students to view at home or in the computer lab. Use them as a springboard for engaging writing prompts or to spark a discussion connected with a unit of study. Challenge students to do a compare/contrast activity using an online Venn Diagram tool, reviewed here. Most of the videos are less than twenty minutes, which makes it realistic to use them in a one-period class lesson or if you are implementing blended learning or flipped learning in your classroom or school (leaving class time for asking questions and clarifying).Show a video or two with your class and discuss the set up of the lesson. Discuss the difference between basic comprehension questions and open-ended questions. Show your students an inspirational video or two from TED reviewed here. As a class, pick out eight or ten of the TED videos and allow students to sign up to work on one of the videos. Have cooperative learning groups develop a TED Ed video lesson. You will need to proofread all work using a word processor, before allowing students to upload their questions on TED Ed.
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People's Pie - iCivics.org
5 to 12tag(s): branches of government (84), financial literacy (129), game based learning (255),
In the Classroom
Demonstrate the basic concepts of the challenge on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Then allow students to play on their own on the whiteboard or classroom computers, keeping a log of their actions and results. Have students create "talking pictures" to debate funding (or lack of) for a particular budget item using Blabberize, reviewed here. Use this game as a springboard for an economics or government class to debate and discuss the impact of financial decisions on different segments of the community. Have students research current candidates' financial plans and play the game using the politician's strategies. Have students compare and contrast the impact on the economy.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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