Student Produced Video Field Trips
10 - After: Leverage Your Expertise ↓
Your students have created solid curriculum-connected video that will appeal to anyone learning the same subject matter. Be sure people can find it
Your team of students also has experience that no one else in your school can boast. Wrap up the package so others can learn from all of you.
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Participants are now your experts: use them ↓
- After the fact, have your students write down their top three tips for someone who has the same job on another video field trip. Compile the tips in a "how to" Google doc or, even better, a video team wiki. Include pictures and captions.
- Alternatively, spin the wiki or document as an advertisement for the team's services to do another video field trip or to teach others how to do one.
- Invite YOUR team to teach the next team from your school, perhaps as a service project.
- Offer the team to provide assistance for “spur of the moment” video streaming opportunities at your school.
- Remind H.S. students to include this experience on college or work applications
- Make your own life easier by having some of your gifted students create the wiki/Google doc with your approval.
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Spread the word ↓
- Embed the archived field trip video in your school web page, class wiki or web site, and related web pages or blogs. Share it outside your school. Tell other teachers about it as student-created curriculum material certain to grab the interest of their classes.
- Once your wiki (or Google doc) is complete, share the URL in faculty meetings, on the school web page, on professional development blogs, etc. Apply for the students to present at a regional ed tech conference.
- Be sure to tell your school service club/student council about the video field trip idea. They might be first in line for "training" from your team of experts.
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Photos taken during a video field trip by Merriwether Lewis Elementary, Portland, Oregon in celebration of Earth Day 2009.