For the Sake of Argument: Another Common Core Shift

Additional Resources
Professional Books
Caine, Karen. Writing to Persuade: Minilessons to Help Students Plan, Draft, and Revise. ISBN: 978-0-325-01734-1.
Calkins, Lucy, Mary Ehrenworth, and Christopher Lehman. Pathways to the Common Core: Accelerating Achievement. ISBN: 978-0-325-04355-5.
Units of Study developed by Lucy Calkins and colleagues at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project for the three text types of the Common Core. Available for purchase beginning March 2013.
Read-alouds to Build Background Knowledge about Persuasion
Cleary, Beverly. Emily's Runaway Imagination. ISBN: 9780380709236. Lexile: 910
Cronin, Doreen. Click Clack Moo: Cows that Type. ISBN: 9780689832130. Lexile: AD160
Grambling, Lois. Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please!? ISBN: 9780816733873. Lexile: 560
Orloff, Karen. I Wanna Iguana. ISBN: 9780399237171. Lexile: AD460
Orloff, Karen. I Wanna New Room . ISBN: 9780399254055. Lexile:AD540
Seuss, Dr. The Cat in the Hat. ISBN: 9780394800011. Lexile: 260
Teague, Mark. Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School. ISBN: 9780439206631. Lexile: 500
Viorst, Judith. Earrings! ISBN: 9780689867842. Lexile: 470
Wells, Rosemary. Otto Runs for President. ISBN: 9780545037228. Lexile: 570
Willems, Mo. Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. ISBN: 9781423101871. Lexile: AD270
Pinterest fans might want to search here for ideas from other teachers.
The Literacy Design Collaborative offers fill-in-the-blank template tasks here to help you to craft writing assignments that take into account different audiences, written products, purposes, etc.
The Utah Education Network provides many CCSS links especially useful for upper elementary teachers, neatly organized in one location.