Common Core: The Fuss Over Non-Fiction

Q: Where else can I turn for help?
Achieve the Core has professional learning resources along with lesson plans and coaching tools that will be helpful to most teachers. Make sure to sign up for a free account so that you can bookmark your favorite resources and receive recommendations based on your stated preferences.
Educore by ASCD provides best practice guides, videos and samples lesson plans grouped by grade level. Be sure to register as you will get access to additional resources and be able to save your searches.
Edutopia has a wealth of resources for you, including links to a series of short videos that help explain the CCSS, a teacher forum, and links to lesson plans and additional articles.
And of course the Common Core site itself is packed with useful information. Clicking on the Resources tab brings you to a series of downloadable pdfs that illustrate key points about the standards, debunk some of the myths about the CCSS, answer some frequently asked questions, discuss criteria, and provide supplemental information to the main document.
TeachersFirst continues to add more Common Core resources almost weekly, so be sure to try a keyword search for the phrase Common Core to find more ideas and help.