
Grades 9-12


Stay positive, even when correcting a student. Gain respect and help students to feel that your classroom is a safe place, but that your expectations are in place for a reason. All learners should be treated in the same way. Stay consistent with consequences and routines.

Love What You Teach:

Be enthusiastic about your subject and the topics you focus on in class. Your goal is for students to buy into the learning opportunities taking place in your classroom. Students should be able to tell that you are passionate about and are confident in the material you share with them.

Even Teachers Make Mistakes:

It can be easy to miswrite a number while working through a problem in front of the class, or for a typo to show up on a test. Sometimes, students love nothing more than to point out a teacher's mistake. We are all human! Brush it off. Thank your student(s) for pointing it out, do your best to fix it, and move on. Mistakes are learning opportunities.

Model It:

Modeling good behavior is important. If you expect your students to keep their cell phones put away, then be sure to keep yours away too. Older students may be sure to correct you if not. Avoid this by following your own expectations too.

Be Honest:

High school students are quite observant. Be honest and avoid sugar coating things because they are capable of figuring out things quickly. It's best to be up front with them in order to gain and keep their trust.

No Phone, No Distractions:

Consider creating a Cell Phone Parking Lot for students to use as they enter your room. This area will be a place to store student cell phones during class so distractions are minimized. Consider purchasing a pocket chart or over the door shoe holder. Number the pockets and assign each student a pocket for their cell phone. Students should turn their phones off, place them in their assigned spots, and then can retrieve them on their way out of class for the day.

Set High Academic Expectations:

Give students a challenge and push them to do more. For those that may need scaffolding, differentiate and accommodate as needed, and as set forth in their individual plans, when applicable.

Follow a Timeline:

In high school courses, there is a great deal of material to cover well, and sometimes not quite enough time. Stick to a timeline. Allow for adjustments as needed, but consistently tweak it to ensure that you will have enough learning time for the students to meet your goals and their needs throughout the duration of the semester or year.

Believe in Yourself:

High school learners can be intimidating, but you are capable and ready to share your knowledge with them. Believe in all that you can accomplish as you help them to gain learning experiences and skills that will take them far. If you don't believe you can teach them well, your high school students definitely won't either.