Pilgrim at Tinker Creek - A response journal

Created for TeachersFirst by Brenda Walton, Ed.D.
This unit will guide you through personal responses to Annie Dillard's Pulitzer Prize-winning book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. As you travel through each chapter of the work, you will find writing prompts based on quotations from the book.
A few words of advice: You should have your copy of the text with you as you complete the assignments. The writing prompts will at times ask you to go back and re-read a section of the text. Page numbers—of course—will be supplied! They are keyed to the Harper Perennial Edition (1999) ISBN 0-06-095302-0 or the more recent Harper Perennial Modern Classics Edition (2007), ISBN 978-0061233326, that is also available as an eBook. You should also have a couple of highlighters available—several assignments will require that you mark passages if you own the book.
Your teacher may offer you alternative ways to do the journal responses electronically and using creative tools. Check final instructions in class on what form your responses are supposed to take.
Teachers' Notes for this unit.