TeachersFirst Quizzes for Hamlet

To help ensure that students understand the relationships and events in the play, TeachersFirst has created a set of interactive quizzes for selected portions of Hamlet. These include general introductory quizzes, as well as quizzes on important quotations and selected scenes. Each quiz offers immediate feedback - and occasional hints - to help students better understand Shakespeare's text. Use the quizzes as a quick self-check for students or a partner activity on laptops. Extend the quiz idea by having students create quizzes for their peers using one of the TeachersFirst Edge quiz/poll tools.
These quizzes are easy to use, but students must remember to use the mouse or the TAB key to move from one selection to the next. To start over, hold down the SHIFT key and click the reload/refresh button on your browser's toolbar.
Looking for more ideas for teaching Shakespeare? See TeachersFirst's Shakespeare Resources, a special topic collection.
Introductory Quizzes - Who's Who Denmark and Norway Act I - Quotations Quiz Quiz on Scene 1 Quiz on Scene 2 Quiz on Scenes 3, 4, and 5 Act II - Quotations Quiz Quiz on Scene 1 Quiz on Scene 2 Act III - Quiz on Scene 1 Quiz on Scene 3 Act IV - Quiz on the Act Act V - Quiz on Scene 1 Quiz on Scene 2 |