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Random Art Prompt Generators for Kids - Magatsu.net
K to 12tag(s): creative writing (123), drawing (61), painting (55), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Use this generator to create and print ideas for projects to include in an art center. Use the generator for more than art project ideas, select statements that correspond to stories you are reading, science topics, or social studies events. Include ideas in your makerspace for students to create items based on the opinions provided by the generator. Include the ideas generated for students to use with creative writing projects. Ask them to share their writing project using tools found at Adobe Creative Cloud Express, reviewed here, to create videos, graphic designs, or presentations. Instead of relying on a generator, use this as an example, then ask students to develop a bank of story ideas for classroom use. Include ideas on a collaborative Google Document shared on classroom and student devices.You must be registered and logged in to add items to your favorites.
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Innovation Generation - Discovery Education
2 to 12tag(s): careers (140), crafts (61), engineering (127), makerspace (43), STEM (287), virtual field trips (115)
In the Classroom
Engage students in the design process and makerspace thinking by sharing the resources found on Innovation Generation. The Educator Guide includes several student handouts; use PDF Converter, reviewed here, or another file conversion tool to enable digital document annotation instead of paper versions. Enhance the learning process using FigJam, reviewed here to offer collaborative opportunities for students to share ideas and reflections based on the recommended questions and activities in the Educator Guide. As a final learning extension, develop a collection of makerspace activities for students to interact with within your classroom. Browse through the Makerspace Resources Special Topics page makerspace.cfm">located here, to find many ideas and resources to get started.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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100 STEAM Projects for Educators - The Oakland Toy Lab
K to 12tag(s): crafts (61), engineering (127), makerspace (43), science fairs (20), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Here, teachers can find one hundred unique, already tried and tested STEAM projects for their classrooms. Teachers can use them as written or as a starting point and modify them to fit their own needs. Perhaps creating a makerspace with several activities and supplies available to choose from would be an excellent station for early finishers in your room. This collection of 100 STEAM projects is a part of a larger website - instructibles.com, where you can learn to do just about anything in any subject area. Be sure to save this site and check back often as content is contributed by the community and is updated regularly, so you never know what you may find - you may even decide to contribute something of your own!Comments
I am looking forward to watching these resources to find new and refreshed ideas for STEAM to wow my K-5 students.Anne, , Grades: 0 - 5
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Promoting STEM Through Literature - Judy Bowling & Kerry Guiliano
K to 6tag(s): book lists (165), inquiry (24), literacy (118), Problem Based Learning (12), problem solving (225), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
In addition to the suggestions for STEM-related literature, the Design Thinking Journal is an excellent addition to any classroom for use with many other projects. Include ideas from the site in your Maker Space activities, learn more about Maker Spaces and find additional ideas at the TeachersFirst makerspace.cfm">Maker Spaces Special Topics page with reviewed resources. Enhance learning by encouraging students to share Maker Space projects by posting them on a website or blog created using Edublog, reviewed here. Ask students to share their problem-solving journey using the Design Thinking Journal information when designing projects using Padlet, reviewed here. Padlet can be a video discussion tool with capabilities for sharing student responses through video with other students. Encourage students to respond to each others' videos. This is a link to Padlet's Help section for posting video or an image.Comments
I have always been looking for resources on stem education. I am glad I have chanced on this; helpful for my class. Much appreciated.Victor, , Grades: 0 - 8
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Candy Pumpkin Catapults - Playdough to Plato
K to 5This site includes advertising.
tag(s): makerspace (43), preK (265), Problem Based Learning (12), simple machines (16), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Although this lesson describes activities for pre-k classrooms, the challenge is suitable for adaptation to any elementary class. Try the challenge with other small items at any time. For example, during the winter holidays, use snowman erasers or during spring, try catapulting different sizes of pompoms to see how far they fly. Adapt this activity for older students by providing the supplies at a learning center or makerspace area without directions. Allow students to explore options on their own to build and create a catapult. Use a digital organizational tool such as IdeaBoardz, reviewed here, to record and share students' observations. Extend student learning by creating ebooks using Book Creator, reviewed here, that include images of students' creations, text of their observations, and audio explanations of the STEM learning. For younger students, create a class book together. Older students can create individual books to share as part of your class's digital library.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Halloween STEM Challenge - Bone Bridge - Feel-Good Teaching
3 to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): body systems (41), bridges (11), engineering (127), forces (37), halloween (32), holidays (184), makerspace (43), Problem Based Learning (12), STEM (287), structures (18)
In the Classroom
Incorporate this engaging activity into a Halloween learning center, or for those that don't celebrate Halloween at school, include this activity within many content areas. This activity is easily adaptable to lessons about the skeletal system, force and motion, bridges, and even geometric properties. As students begin exploring different methods to create bridges, use FigJam, reviewed here as an information-gathering resource. Create a Jamboard with two columns, one column for ideas that work and another for failed attempts. Use a student blogging tool such as edublogs, reviewed here, and ask students to blog about their bridge-building attempts. Include pictures of student's creations as part of their blog. Extend learning by asking students to describe their problem-solving activities and share their thoughts on important features required to build strong bridges by creating a multimedia presentation using Adobe Creative Cloud Express for Education, reviewed here. Adobe Express includes tools for creating websites, videos, images, and more. Another multimedia presentation tool to consider is Genially, reviewed here. Genially includes easy-to-use features that can create interactive images, video presentations, and interactive content. Use Genially's features to create interactive images that include students' explanations of their bridge's features.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Little Free Library - Little Free Library
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): character education (77), preK (265)
In the Classroom
Use the map on Little Free Library's website to locate book sharing locations near you and your students. Share this information with parents and encourage them to donate books to the library and/or borrow books. Use this site as an inspiration to create a free borrowing library for your school. Ask parents and community members to donate supplies and books, then build a sharing box using plans found on the site. Have students use time during makerspace activities to build models for inspiration. Extend student learning using podcasts created with Buzzsprout, reviewed here. Ask students to write and produce podcasts featuring books found in the free library and share their reflections on the goodwill created with the free library system.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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4 to 7tag(s): architecture (72), book lists (165), crafts (61), makerspace (43)
In the Classroom
Bookmark and save this site for use when implementing STEAM activities or makerspaces. Introduce this activity with a projector or on an interactive whiteboard to show students how to navigate the site. Then, in your flipped or blended classroom (or at a computer center), have students, or small groups of students, explore on their own. Allow them to choose a book (creating book groups?) or a project to explore. Ask students to create their own concept maps to record their learning and understanding using MindMup, reviewed here. Challenge students to use their concept maps to share what they learned with peers by making an interactive infographic using Gennially, reviewed here. Genially allows students to insert videos, hyperlinks, & maps that are interactive.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Those Amazing Engineers - Those Amazing Professions Inc
6 to 12tag(s): careers (140), engineering (127), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Share this site with students as part of career exploration lessons. Instead of creating a list of sites to share with students, replace the list by saving bookmarks with Symbaloo, reviewed here, to make information easy to find and access. After researching the different engineering fields ask students to extend their learning and create a web page sharing a day in the life of their chosen field. Carrd, reviewed here, is a free webpage creation tool that provides many tools for professional-looking pages. Find many other resources to encourage creativity and engineering at TeachersFirst Makerspace Resources, reviewed here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Babble Dabble Do - Ana Dziengel
K to 6This site includes advertising.
tag(s): crafts (61), design (81), engineering (127), makerspace (43), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Be sure to add this to your toolbox of ideas for teaching STEAM topics and for ideas to use in classroom makerspaces. In addition to adding this site to your favorite bookmarks, consider creating a board on Pinterest, reviewed here, of sites with ideas for STEAM projects. Share the board with your peers and collaborate on adding STEAM sites as a group. Extend learning throughout and after project activities as you include student work as part of a portfolio on Seesaw, reviewed here. Seesaw offers tools for all ages of students to create digital portfolios including written or audio reflections on work. Instead of just sharing images of student creations on your Facebook page or school web page, help students enhance their learning by creating digital books using WriteReader, reviewed here, to share online for family and friends. WriteReader is a site specially created for use with younger students to share their writing and images.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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STEAM Art Lessons - Tricia Fuglestad
K to 8This site includes advertising.
tag(s): black history (130), coding (89), creativity (92), digital storytelling (154), dr seuss (12), drawing (61), environment (246), graphic design (49), great depression (29), literacy (118), nutrition (135), photography (119), poetry (194), problem solving (225), qr codes (18), read across america (9), STEM (287), stories and storytelling (52), symmetry (27)
In the Classroom
If you feel that you are strong in the arts but not technology (or the other way around), find a teaching partner that complements your strength and work together to teach lessons from this site. Use ideas from here in your classroom makerspace. Use Wakelet, reviewed here, to add notes and questions as you prepare to teach lessons from this blog. Wakelet offers the ability to collaborate and share with others through the addition of written and audio notes to any web page. Use lesson activities found on this site as a replacement for traditional research projects, book reports, or written reports. Have students use a blogging tool like edublog, reviewed here, to share images and videos of their work from start to finish and to reflect upon learning. Have older students extend learning through the use of Canvas LMS, reviewed here. Ask them to research and find additional information on the topic of your lesson and create a learning path for other students to complete. For younger students, create a Symbaloo Learning Path for students to complete as a center activity to complement your STEAM learning activities.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Twitter Chat: Make That MakerSpace! - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (94), makerspace (43), STEM (287), twitterchatarchive (175)
In the Classroom
Find tools and resources to create or expand a makerspace! Share this chat with your colleagues looking for sites and information related to makerspaces. Explore the various tools that are shared.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Microsoft MakeCode - Microsoft
K to 12tag(s): coding (89), makerspace (43), Microsoft (80), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Make use of the resources offered by Microsoft to share with your students as they learn how to code. Share project ideas with students and include materials for them to create their projects as part of makerspace activities. Have students take pictures of their creation and enhance their learning by using Voxer, reviewed here, to add audio to describe their creative process. Add images to your class website as part of your student work gallery. Challenge students to use Sway, reviewed here, to create an online multimedia page including images, video, and text to describe, evaluate, and share their work with coding projects. Include project ideas from the site and set up a makerspace during open house events at your school.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Hacking STEM Library - Microsoft
4 to 10tag(s): angles (51), critical thinking (120), electricity (62), energy (131), light (53), makerspace (43), Microsoft (80), problem solving (225), solar energy (34)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of these free activities to include with any STEM lessons already taught. Many activities are perfect for use with Genius Hour or Makerspaces in the classroom. Ask students to share their journey in completing activities in a blog. Seesaw, reviewed here, offers tools for building digital portfolios and incorporating blogs. Ask students to annotate images taken of their activities with text, URL's, or videos using Google Drawings, reviewed here. Google Drawings allows you to annotate an image with links to videos, text, websites, and more. Not familiar with Google Drawings? Watch an archived OK2Ask session to learn how to use: OK2Ask Google Drawings, here.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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MakerSpace Resources - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): circuits (21), coding (89), creativity (92), engineering (127), makerspace (43), musical instruments (49), robotics (23), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Use these resources for your digital MakerSpace. Find tools for all grades. Don't miss the Twitter Chat for teachers just starting a MakerSpace. There are also a few sites that have more information for educators just learning about MakerSpace. Some of these resources are ideal for individual devices.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Makerbot - Thingiverse: Education - Makerbot Industries, LLC
K to 12tag(s): artists (83), computational thinking (41), critical thinking (120), design (81), fashion (11), makerspace (43), printables (36)
In the Classroom
Whether you are a STEM or STEAM educator or teach woods or metal shop, there is something here for everyone. Are you setting up a makerspace and want to include 3D projects? Find more than you can imagine at Thingiverse. Many lessons address Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards, too. History, math, and language arts teachers may enjoy Cryptography: Sending Secret Messages and could extend it into a cross-curricular project; look at Egyptian Hieroglyphs - Making a Cartouche, too. ELA teachers, take a look at the Book Report project to create 3D Keychains having elements of the character's personality and challenges. Art teachers be sure to check out Art Connector Set SVG Conversion Project where your students can turn their drawing into a sculpture! These are just a few of the many lesson plans and projects to look into on Thingiverse. Cut down the time it takes to discover interesting projects by allowing time in class for students to explore in categories selected by you.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Twitter Chat: Start a School Makerspace from Scratch - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): makerspace (43), professional development (403), STEM (287), twitterchatarchive (175)
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If you are starting Makerspace, or need some new ideas, view this archive. Share this tool with your colleagues who are interested in Makerspace.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Robotics Resources - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): makerspace (43), robotics (23), STEM (287)
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Use these robotics resources during National Robotics Month (April) or any time of the year. If you are just getting started with Makerspace, and looking for some new resources, check out these sites!Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Makerspaces - Andrew Miller
K to 12tag(s): crafts (61), inquiry (24), makerspace (43), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the many ideas and tutorials found on this site when creating a makerspace in your classroom or school. Collaborate with peers to create different makerspaces within your classroom communities. Ask parent volunteers to help teach students about circuits and other technology used in your makerspace.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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Paper Circuits for Makerspaces - Andrew Miller
4 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): circuits (21), crafts (61), creativity (92), electricity (62), engineering (127), makerspace (43), STEM (287)
In the Classroom
Paper Circuits for MakerSpaces is perfect for use with an after-school science program or as a resource for science fair projects. Create a center throughout the school year for students to work on circuits and build skills at an individual level. If you don't feel comfortable working on this topic, find a parent volunteer to help, or partner with another classroom to work together. Need funding to buy materials? See GetEdFunding, reviewed here, to write for a small grant.Add your comments below (available only to members) | Become a Member
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