TeachersFirst Special Topics Collections

Jump-start your work with TeachersFirst's Special Topics collections. Save time and take advantage of these ready-to-go collections that will help you find what you and your students need, just in time for an upcoming unit, a holiday, focused research, student-directed exploration, or projects on a curriculum topic or event. Each Special Topic page is a curated list of resources related to the stated topic. Each collection includes up to 30 resources, providing enough variety to find sites that define the topic.

You can be comfortable sharing the Special Topic links with students or parents, knowing that TeachersFirst has selected and reviewed each resource.

Find classroom and project suggestions within each review, use the collection to find what you need for your lessons. Some teachers assign these lists as the core resources for a broader student assignment. Editor’s Choice collections offer "the best of the best" for topics of particular interest. TeachersFirst also offers collections on professional special topics to help you meet particular teaching challenges.

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Educational Podcasts for Students - TeachersFirst

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In this collection, we share many educational podcasts for students of all ages in various subject areas. The act of listening to podcasts offers many benefits to our students. The...more
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In this collection, we share many educational podcasts for students of all ages in various subject areas. The act of listening to podcasts offers many benefits to our students. The podcasts are available anytime, making them ideal for in-person, remote, blended, and flipped instruction. Students can listen a second time to deepen their understanding.

tag(s): podcasts (105)

In the Classroom

Share these podcasts with your students to use when learning related material. Share a link to this collection on your school web page and in your school newsletter (or email). Find podcasts to incorporate into your lessons.

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Resources related to Source Reliability/Checking Sources - TeachersFirst

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As educators, we must teach our students how to make sure the resources they are using are reliable. This collection includes information and resources related to checking sources and...more
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As educators, we must teach our students how to make sure the resources they are using are reliable. This collection includes information and resources related to checking sources and determining if a source is reliable and credible.

tag(s): evaluating sources (28), media literacy (107), Research (85)

In the Classroom

We have included resources for all grades. Remember, our "In the Classroom" suggestions with each reviewed resource, give you ideas about using these tools in your classroom.

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Resources related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - TeachersFirst

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If you are not familiar with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), learn about them through the resources in this collection. The SDGs are the 17 global goals adopted by the ...more
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If you are not familiar with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), learn about them through the resources in this collection. The SDGs are the 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations designed to be a blueprint for achieving a more sustainable future for all. In this collection, you will find helpful information about the SDGs and web resources to help you to teach the SDGs in your lessons. There are resources included for all grade levels.

tag(s): climate (83), energy (131), recycling (45), sustainability (43), water (101)

In the Classroom

Help to deepen your students' understanding (and your own) of the Sustainable Development Goals. Share these resources with your colleagues and students by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter. Find resources to incorporate into your lessons.

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Curation Resources - TeachersFirst

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Discover resources in this collection for your students to use to curate resources. Curation means selecting, collecting, organizing, and presenting content. Curating is especially...more
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Discover resources in this collection for your students to use to curate resources. Curation means selecting, collecting, organizing, and presenting content. Curating is especially helpful when researching a topic but always useful to help students to keep information systematically arranged. We have included resources for all grades.

tag(s): curation (34), organizational skills (89), Research (85)

In the Classroom

Share these resources with your students to use when curating materials for projects and lessons. Share a link to this collection on your school web page and in your school newsletter (or email). Find resources to incorporate into your lessons.

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Resources for Student Knowledge Construction - TeachersFirst

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Student knowledge construction is what happens when students go beyond just reproducing what they have learned, but generate their own ideas and demonstrate understanding of what makes...more
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Student knowledge construction is what happens when students go beyond just reproducing what they have learned, but generate their own ideas and demonstrate understanding of what makes the information unique. The skills of knowledge construction range from inferring to analysis to interpretation to synthesis and evaluation. Many of these skills may also be considered "critical thinking." While teaching these skills can be a challenge, finding useful web resources can be simple. Peruse this collection to find resources to use in your lessons for all grade levels to encourage student knowledge construction.

tag(s): critical thinking (120), problem solving (224)

In the Classroom

Find new tools to try to encourage student knowledge construction within your lessons. Each review includes technology integration ideas. Read the details of each tool and find the ones that will make your students become student knowledge constructors.

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Resources related to the Science of Reading - TeachersFirst

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The Science of Reading (or SOR) refers to an evidence-based reading Instructional strategy that addresses various areas of reading including oral language, phonological awareness, phonics,...more
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The Science of Reading (or SOR) refers to an evidence-based reading Instructional strategy that addresses various areas of reading including oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and more. In this collection, you will find helpful information to learn more about The Science of Reading and web resources to help you to teach using SOR in your lessons.

tag(s): fluency (26), phonics (49), reading comprehension (150), science of reading (37), spelling (98), vocabulary (239)

In the Classroom

Help to deepen your students' understanding (and your own) of the Science of Reading. Share these resources with your colleagues and students by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter. Find resources to incorporate into your reading lessons.


Provided many resources and suggestions to use this to support instruction. Saundra, , Grades: 0 - 5

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Family Consumer Science Resources - TeachersFirst

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Family Consumer Science (FCS), also sometimes referred to as Home Economics, is a subject that encompasses many topics, including food science and preparation, human development, personal...more
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Family Consumer Science (FCS), also sometimes referred to as Home Economics, is a subject that encompasses many topics, including food science and preparation, human development, personal finance, family finance, wellness and nutrition, apparel and sewing, interior design, and more. This curated list of reviewed resources includes all of these topics and others related to FCS. We have included resources for all grades.

tag(s): child development (23), cooking (31), family (51), financial literacy (91), nutrition (135)

In the Classroom

Encourage your students' understanding of family consumer science using this curated collection. Share these resources with your colleagues and students by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter. Find resources to incorporate into your FCS lessons.

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Get up and Moving... Physical Education - TeachersFirst

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Get up and get moving with this collection of resources designed to encourage students to stay active. Keeping students active may help many students to stay focused better and to ...more
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Get up and get moving with this collection of resources designed to encourage students to stay active. Keeping students active may help many students to stay focused better and to lead a healthier/more active lifestyle. Whether used in PE, during movement breaks, or other times in your lessons... this curated list includes resources to get students moving and learning about sports, dance, exercise, and other forms of movement. We have included resources for all grades.

tag(s): dance (30), fitness (39), nutrition (135), sports (81)

In the Classroom

Find new tools to try when planning your physical education lessons. Each review includes technology integration ideas. Read the details of each tool and find the ones that will make your students get and get moving.

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World Languages Resources - TeachersFirst

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Finding web resources to use in world language classes can be a challenge. This collection contains resources for many languages (Spanish, German, French, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and...more
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Finding web resources to use in world language classes can be a challenge. This collection contains resources for many languages (Spanish, German, French, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and more). In addition, there are resources here for beginners through more advanced world language speakers.

tag(s): arabic (13), chinese (44), french (75), german (47), hebrew (16), italian (29), japanese (47), portuguese (22), russian (25), sign language (10), spanish (108)

In the Classroom

Use these resources as you prepare lessons for world language classes. Each review includes technology integration ideas. This list includes resources for elementary and secondary students.


I like how LyricsTraining connects students with music from around the world as well as tests their diverse linguistic abilities. This is great for a world language classroom. Jenna, IL, Grades: 9 - 12

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Dramatic Arts and Dance Resources - TeachersFirst

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Discover resources in this collection to infuse drama and dance into your lessons. This curated list includes musicals, readers theater, dance instruction, and more. You may find it...more
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Discover resources in this collection to infuse drama and dance into your lessons. This curated list includes musicals, readers theater, dance instruction, and more. You may find it helpful to use ideas from this list to plan your physical education and language arts lessons. This list includes resources for all grades.

tag(s): acting (19), dance (30), fitness (39), plays (31), readers theater (12)

In the Classroom

Encourage your students' understanding of drama and dance using this curated collection. Share these resources with your colleagues and students by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter. Find resources to incorporate into your dance and drama lessons.

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Resources related to the Visual Arts - TeachersFirst

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The visual arts include the arts that are primarily visual creative works. These can include painting, drawing, ceramics, photography, video, sculpture, design, crafts, and other art...more
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The visual arts include the arts that are primarily visual creative works. These can include painting, drawing, ceramics, photography, video, sculpture, design, crafts, and other art forms. You may want to use this collection as you prepare for YAM (Youth Art Month) or anytime throughout the year. Remember, our "In the Classroom" suggestions give you ideas about using these tools in your classroom.

tag(s): crafts (60), drawing (61), painting (55), photography (119), video (262)

In the Classroom

Find new tools to try when planning your visual art lessons. Each review includes technology integration ideas. Read the details of each tool and find the ones that will make your lessons more creative.

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Music Appreciation Resources - TeachersFirst

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Music appreciation involves introducing students to the history and various genres of music. There are many different musicians to discover and genres to enjoy. Peruse this collection...more
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Music appreciation involves introducing students to the history and various genres of music. There are many different musicians to discover and genres to enjoy. Peruse this collection to learn about musicians from different periods. This collection covers blues, jazz, classical, and other genres. Share these resources during Music In the Schools Month or any time throughout the year. This list includes resources for all grades.

tag(s): blues (22), jazz (17), music theory (45)

In the Classroom

Use these resources as you prepare music lessons related to genres, music history, and other topics. Each review includes technology integration ideas. This list includes resources for elementary and secondary students.

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Resources for Instruments and Vocal Music - TeachersFirst

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Technology offers teachers many new opportunities in music and the arts. This collection highlights resources related to instruments and vocal music. Some tools in this curated list...more
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Technology offers teachers many new opportunities in music and the arts. This collection highlights resources related to instruments and vocal music. Some tools in this curated list include virtual instruments, video tutorials, vocal instructions, and more. Share these resources during Music In the Schools Month or any other time throughout the year. Remember, our "In the Classroom" suggestions give you ideas about using these tools in your classroom.

tag(s): music theory (45), musical instruments (49), musical notation (33)

In the Classroom

Help to deepen your students' understanding of vocal music and instruments using this curated collection. Share these resources with your colleagues and students by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter. Find resources to incorporate into your music lessons.

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Artists and Theory Resources - TeachersFirst

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Delve into this collection that shares an eclectic assortment of resources related to artists and theory. Ideal for Youth Art Month (YAM) and throughout the year, learn about various...more
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Delve into this collection that shares an eclectic assortment of resources related to artists and theory. Ideal for Youth Art Month (YAM) and throughout the year, learn about various artists through their websites and the information available through many art museums. In addition, learn about many different art theories from Impressionism to Romanticism to Contemporary, and more. Read all about these topics and more in the resources shared in this curated list.

tag(s): art history (91), artists (83), museums (47)

In the Classroom

Find new tools to try when planning your art lessons. Each review includes technology integration ideas. Read the details of each tool and find the ones that will make your lessons more productive.

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20th Century America (1945-2000) Resources - TeachersFirst

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20th Century America Part 2 includes the years after World War 2 through the end of the 20th Century. During this period, there were global conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and ...more
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20th Century America Part 2 includes the years after World War 2 through the end of the 20th Century. During this period, there were global conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. In addition, the Cold War, a period of tension between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies, continued for decades. The latter half of the 20th Century was also a tumultuous time for Civil Rights. Strong African American leaders who worked for social justice included Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and the Little Rock Nine. It was also a time of innovation and technological advancements. Read all about these events and more in the resources shared in this curated list.

tag(s): 20th century (62), black history (130), civil rights (200), cold war (30), korea (20), martin luther king (45), middle east (45), rosa parks (9), segregation (18), vietnam (38)

In the Classroom

Use these resources as you prepare social studies lessons related to American History 1945-2000. Each review includes technology integration ideas. This list includes resources for elementary and secondary students.

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20th Century America (1900-1945) Resources - TeachersFirst

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The first part of the 20th Century in America takes us from the turn of the century through the end of World War 2. It is pivotal to help students ...more
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The first part of the 20th Century in America takes us from the turn of the century through the end of World War 2. It is pivotal to help students understand how these years changed the country. Find resources in this collection related to the economic, social and technological milestones seen during this time. We will include resources that introduce the opening of the Panama Canal, the Wall Street Crash of 1929, The Great Depression, Mahatma Gandhi, World War I and II, the first winter Olympics, US Immigration Act of 1924, the Holocaust, Japanese internment camps, the segregation era, the Roaring Twenties and prohibition, The Ford Model-T, Lindburgh's first nonstop flight from NY to Paris, the construction of the Empire State Building and the Hoover Dam. Discover these topics and many others in this collection.

tag(s): 20th century (62), great depression (29), holocaust (42), immigration (68), japanese (47), segregation (18), stock market (11), world war 1 (78), world war 2 (160)

In the Classroom

Find resources to educate yourself and your students about various topics related to American history during the years of 1900-1945. This collection includes lesson plans and interactives too. Share these resources with your colleagues and families.

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Resources Related to Colonial America - TeachersFirst

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Bring Colonial America to your class with the reviewed resources shared in this section. The colonial history of the United States covers the period of time from 1607 to 1776, ...more
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Bring Colonial America to your class with the reviewed resources shared in this section. The colonial history of the United States covers the period of time from 1607 to 1776, when the thirteen colonies joined together to declare their independence. Therefore, the term Colonial America also refers to the thirteen colonies located on what is now the eastern coast of the United States. People came to the New World for many different reasons: religious freedom, commerce, and starting new lives after serving time in jail. Education was important to the colonies, and the economy was based most often on farming and trade.

tag(s): 1600s (20), 1700s (36), colonial america (93), colonization (20)

In the Classroom

Use these resources as you prepare social studies lessons related to Colonial America. Each review includes technology integration ideas. This list includes resources for elementary and secondary students.

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American Civil War Resources - TeachersFirst

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For over a century, America's Northern and Southern states had been in conflict over several issues, including cultural values, the federal government's power, slavery, and other economic...more
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For over a century, America's Northern and Southern states had been in conflict over several issues, including cultural values, the federal government's power, slavery, and other economic interests. The bloodiest conflict in the history of our union was fought from 1861-1865 between the states that supported the federal union and the southern states that voted to secede and then form the Confederate States of America. This curated collection shares many resources and tools to help your students visualize what America was like during those tumultuous times.

tag(s): 1800s (75), civil war (136), lincoln (66), slavery (77)

In the Classroom

Help to deepen your students' understanding of Civil war times using this curated collection. Share these resources with your colleagues and students by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter. Find resources to incorporate into your lessons.

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Resources Related to the Revolutionary War - TeachersFirst

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Take your students back in time to the late 1700s, as the 13 colonies began their quest for freedom from British rule. These resources share information and tools to engage ...more
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Take your students back in time to the late 1700s, as the 13 colonies began their quest for freedom from British rule. These resources share information and tools to engage your students as they learn how the colonies came together to form the United States of America. Resources are shared for all grade levels and include classroom use ideas.

tag(s): american revolution (80), colonial america (93), colonization (20), washington (27)

In the Classroom

Use these resources as you prepare social studies lessons about the Revolutionary War. Each review includes technology integration ideas. This list includes resources for elementary and secondary students.

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Critical Thinking Resources - TeachersFirst

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Nurture critical thinking skills in your classroom using the resources shared in this collection. Critical thinking is a process that includes the ability to interpret, analyze, and...more
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Nurture critical thinking skills in your classroom using the resources shared in this collection. Critical thinking is a process that includes the ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate information. Thinking critically requires students to infer and solve problems with an open mind. Students use critical thinking skills to observe, experience, communicate and reflect while reading and learning content. As contentious public events spill over into the classroom, teachers need to help students learn how to process perspectives that differ from their own. Use this collection as you are planning your lessons and activities.

tag(s): critical thinking (120), media literacy (107), problem solving (224)

In the Classroom

Help your students to practice critical thinking skills using these engaging resources. Share these resources with your colleagues and school parents by emailing the page or sharing the link from your school web page and in your school newsletter.

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