Module 7:
Available Online Rubric Tools
While we recommend customizing each rubric you utilize to match your instructional needs and goals, there is also great value in learning through examples. Let’s be honest. Sometimes saving time is essential and it can also be beneficial to use pre-made templates that can be tailored to your specifications. Feel free to peruse some of these resources that we have found to be top-notch and extremely worthwhile among the education community. Some will allow you to customize, while others offer value in different ways.
Rubistar - Make a customized rubric that meets your instructional needs for grade Kindergarten through twelfth.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - This resource contains numerous links to rubric sources and tools.
Quick Rubric - Create a free account to make your own rubrics. The ability to copy and modify a rubric from your account is a great time-saver.
iRubric - Use the gallery to view great project ideas. Use the search feature to find a related rubric or create your own using this site.
Rubric Maker - Choose the age level (primary, elementary, middle, or high school) and input the name of your rubric. Then a blank rubric appears for you to fill in the details. The blank rubric includes space for the criteria, plus a range to rate (gradations) the quality of the students' work.
Multimedia Mania Project Checklist - This site provides a printable list (pdf) that covers several areas such as mechanics, documentation, and quality of content in order to help you create a rubric.
DAP Tool - The DAP (Developing and Assessing Products) Tool is a set of rubrics developed to assess student products at varying levels of expertise.
ForAllRubrics - This free tool will assess students, manage data, and analyze results to make your instruction better. Easily create rubrics. Describe your indicators and include standards. Find rubrics in the library to copy and make your own.
Theme Spark - Make a standards-based rubric quickly. This site utilizes Common Core ELA and Math, NGSS, C3, Core Art, and 21st Century standards.
General Rubric Generator – This site guides you along as you create your own customized rubric. This can be used for a variety of subjects, assessments, projects, and/or presentations.
Teacher Planet Rubrics for Teachers – Teacher Planet provides a wealth of rubrics for use by teachers and learners. Rubrics are organized by subject and type and additional rubric resources are included as well.
MagicSchool.ai – This site utilizes AI to help teachers to create rubrics, write lesson plans, assessments, IEPs, and more. Utilize it with your lesson and assessment needs across all content areas.
Eduaide.ai – Eduaide is an AI teaching assistant tool that generates lesson plans for educators, and can be helpful in creating effective rubrics.